Cannellini Beans with a Kale Infusion

I had a great eight mile run this morning. It is a beautiful day. In comparison with the past few days, this morning was cool and dry (you know, for August on Long Island).

Needless to say I was feeling super energetic when I returned from my run, so I decided to make something with my cannellini beans. After a run, I always crave fresh and raw. (I know — cannellini beans ore cooked, but the rest of my ingredients are raw.) I decided to make a hummus. I’m quite pleased with the results. However, next time I would probably go with fresh basil instead of dried. I had no fresh in the refrigerator.

Kale Infused Cannellini Hummus
*I do not know if “infused” is the proper culinary term for this recipe, but I like the word “infusion,” so I’m going with it. I’m an English teacher after all, not a chef 😉

2 cups cooked cannellini beans
2 cups kale, loosely packed
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, pressed
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
Sea salt and red pepper flakes to taste

Pulse kale, lemon juice, and garlic in the food processor a few times to chop the kale. Add remaining ingredients and pulse a few more times. Scrape down the sides. Then, continue to blend in the food processor until desired consistency is reached.

Kale Infused Hummus – The Finished Product

Nutritional Information (calculated with

1 serving = 1/4 cup

Yields eight servings.


















I decided to double my serving and eat it with heirloom tomatoes and red bell pepper.
Total calories for the whole plate: 340.